TBX features

From seamless compliance tracking to intuitive maintenance management, TBX software’s features empower you to focus on what’s important

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AD Compliance

Manage and update AD compliance reports all in one place at any interval. Track AD history and methods of compliance

AD Search

Search by specific AD or N-Number, or make and model. Includes serial number applicability

FAA Forms

Access the most recent versions of all FAA forms with the ability to edit digitally

AD Alerts

Subscribe to specific alerts by type

TCDS & STC Search

Access all Type Certs and STCs easily

FARs & ACs

Access to the latest CFR Title 14 FARs and Advisory Circulars

Accident Incident Reports

Find safety incidents by aircraft model, state, or date range

Service Documents

Search by make/model, AD, or manufacturer

Export MOCs

Simplify logbook entries


Aircraft Profiles

Build aircraft profiles to stay on top of maintenance and compliance

Work Orders

Manage all inspections and shop work directly from our system, including corrective actions, notes, labor rates, and parts needed

Inventory & Parts

Manage all shop inventory and parts, including vendors, part status, documentation, and cost accounting

Service Documents

Access all related service documents related to all AD compliance


Access 100-hour or specific checklists


Add your entire team to improve your workflow

Print Logbook Service Records

Design, save, and print all your logbook service records directly from our system for full/quarter page labels

W&B Forms

Manage and automatically calculate W&B forms and revisions as needed

Form 337

Digitally fill out and save all 337s and link ICA checklists

ICA Checklists

Create and mange ICA checklists

Maintenance Releases

Build a maintenance release library of saved releases for easy access

IA Activity Report

Quickly select and build an IA activity report from work order history


Customer Profiles

Manage all your customer accounts and information from one place

Quoting & Invoicing

Build quotes and invoice customers directly from work orders or standalone


Dedicated Support Staff

Email, chat or call TBX when you need us

Migration Support

We’ve migrated customers from almost every software platform out there—let us know how we can help you migrate

Feature Upgrades

Benefit from all planned feature upgrades automatically

Start using TBX for free

Access TBX features for 10 days, then decide which plan best suits your business

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